Worry less once you get an idea because that is a good sign. All you need is to turn that idea into reality by sharing the idea with us. Kindly contact Itech Soft Solutions to assist you to actualize your vision.
Yes, we do. We provide you with Resource Augmentation facilities to enable your game development to attain the app development goal. Please get in touch with us.
Yes. Itech soft solutions have an online portfolio, and please visit to explore our online portfolio.
Yes, we can. Please contact us and get a quote of a fixed price.
Yes, we can offer you an appropriate quote. Please contact us when you need one.
Yes, we can help you develop games for the iOS platform
Yes, our developers can develop games for the Android platform.
Yes, we have experts in developing games for the windows phone platform.
Yes, we have also specialized in developing games for PC
Yes, we also specialize in the development of games for the cross-platforms
We allow you to walk the entire development journey step by step, and this will enable you to fulfil every bit of requirements. We are passionate about our services, and customer satisfaction is our key objective.
Yes, you can own the source code.
We always keep our service secure, and we don’t detail all our security precautions publicly. Kindly contact us
Several factors determine how successful you will launch your game, and other requirements may make one task longer than the other. Contact us for additional information.
Yes, Itech Soft Solution provides maintenance, updates and ongoing support to their services.
Yes, our experts recommend launching the simplest version of your idea first, and you will adapt to it with time and make changes.
In this case, we first create a central database to hold all your data, then we include an interface ( an API), which allows the web applications and games to receive and send it.
Yes, you can integrate existing systems.
Yes, you can take payment through the game.
Yes. Itech Soft Solution provides hosting for any game that you will develop.
Yes, you do. When testing your project, we need your support. We will take your project through our testing and quality assurance processes. You are the one who knows what you want, unlike us, test it, and maybe you will use what we have built-in in ways that we may not predict.
No problem. The commercial landscape may change once the business grows, making the development team’s in-housing a necessary decision for log-term.
No problem. The commercial landscape may change once the business grows, making the development team’s in-housing a necessary decision for log-term.
Of course, yes. But we prefer to work with our design process. We can offer you consistent and top-quality services when we follow our approach. However, we can be flexible provided the designs are useful. We will advise you honestly if the designs don’t match our high standards.
Please take a quick step and share with us anytime. Our experts are always ready to assist you. Please contact us.